People Stories for Product Inspiration

Bring real stories from people to your company and generate insights with a strong impact

About Jacky takes discovery research and strategic alignment to the next level. Using the inspiring and unifying power of visual storytelling and the proven product framework of Jobs to Be Done, we let you and your employees walk in your customers’ shoes to create a vision that everyone in the organization emotionally connects with.

How to change an organization's strategic direction to solve relevant customer problems?

The 3 steps that you will take with About Jacky:

1. Understand context and JTBDs of your customers

Connect with the user on a deep emotional level to understand real desires, challenges and pain points

2. Identify key JTBD 

Validate the JTBDs 
quantitatively and prioritize the most relevant problems to solve for your business and represent a relevant market segment

3. Define goals and directions 

Align the entire organization around this new user-centric business objective through the use of storytelling in an emotionally engaging manner

Growing your customer base while aligning your company through people centered goals

Customers engage with companies that give them real value. They are not willing to get involved with companies that just want to sell them something. Some companies have reacted to that by switching from being marketing driven to being user driven. But while product teams have learned to iteratively test their product ideas and learn from users, it seems to be a huge challenge to align the different departments to a common user centered goal.

About Jacky helps you with that challenge, by exploring unmet user needs that go deeper than any marked analysis can go. But we don’t stop there: We also prepare the results in a way people from different departments can connect with.

About the Team

Coming from a wide range of backgrounds in product development, research and design, our journey into user-centered design has led us to mentor many firms, emphasizing the necessity of creating deep connections to their user base. With our emotionally engaging insights captured on film, we empower your business decisions with clarity and alignment. Our goal is to help you deliver tangible, meaningful value to your customers.

Manuela Risch - Co-Founder, Research Design & Strategy

Manuela Risch

Co-Founder, Research Design &

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Martin Bender - Co-Founder, Video Production & UX Storytelling

Martin Bender

Co-Founder, Video Production & UX Storytelling

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